When will we find the aliens?

Why do many scientists think life is widespread? Is intelligence likely to arise on many worlds? How are we looking for intelligence elsewhere in the cosmos? What would such intelligence be like? What would be the societal reaction to such a discovery?
Are we alone in the universe? The scientific hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence is now well into its fifth decade, and we still haven’t discovered any cosmic company. Could all this mean that finding biology beyond Earth, even if it exists, is a project for the ages – one that might take centuries or longer?
Hold on to your chairs party-science people: Seth Shostak, for several years director of SETI - the centre for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - is coming to town!
New approaches to detecting life suggest that there is good reason to expect a discovery of microbic organisms on other worlds soon, and that we could uncover evidence of sophisticated civilizations – the type of aliens we see in the movies and on TV – within a few decades.
Why this might be more than wishful thinking and what contact would mean is exactly what Seth Shostak will discuss as part of continuing efforts to establish our place in the universe of living things.
And to end this Spring season of events with greatness, The Orgelheimers will be making the house steamy. If you never really noticed organ in music, you will. “Perfect music for cocktails, beer, wine, portwine, kiwi apeterif, cognac, vodka, alkoholfree beer and fløderand” - some guy might say someday.
This event is organised with the support of The Niels Bohr Institute, section of Astrophysics and Planetary Science.

Seth Shostak
When will we find the aliens?
Why do many scientists think life is widespread? Is intelligence likely to arise on many worlds? How are we looking for intelligence elsewhere in the cosmos? What would such intelligence be like? What would be the societal reaction to such a discovery?
Talk by
Seth Shostak
Seth Shostak is currently Senior Astronomer for the SETI Institute and former Director of the Center for SETI Research when it was a separate department, which conducts searches for extraterrestrials, trying to find evidence of intelligent life in space. He is also committed to getting the public, especially young people, excited about astrobiology and science in general. He has recently been awarded the Carl Sagan prize for science communication.