Quantum Teleportation

During this session of Science & Cocktails prepare yourself to be teleported to the Quantum world. Eugene Polzik, Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute will explain what the challenges with teleportation a la Star Trek posed by the laws of physics are and how far teleportation has been advanced in the laboratory.
Eugene Polzik will address these topics and illustrate them with the results of experiments carried out at the laboratory of Quantum Optics at the Niels Bohr Institute.
Followed by a Q&A at the bar and quantum cocktails by the mixologist Lars E. Lyndgaard Schmidt the music concert by Cecilie Svendsen will teleport you back to the real world.
Photo: Cover art by Maurizio Manzieri, The Year's Top Hard Science Fiction Stories 3 by Allan Kaster
Music by
Cecilie Svendsen
Cecilie Svendsen is a singer-songwriter, creator of the music project Parsley music.