The History of Everything: Why do we need a Modern Origin Story?

Science & Cocktails kicks off its 10th year of crazy scientific and weird existence with all you wanted to know about the history of the universe and the world you live in with big history historian David Christian and the sound of Tomas Høffding.
Is it possible to teach the history of everything? Why is today a momentous turning point in the history of planet earth? What are the most important challenges that will face humans in the next 50 years? Why are humans so different and so powerful?
We live at a momentous turning point in the history of planet earth. For the first time in 4 billion years, a single species is beginning to manage the planet. We cannot even see this challenge clearly within the siloized thinking that dominates knowledge and research today. To understand the huge challenges we will face in coming decades, we need to pan right back in order to see clearly how our planet has evolved along with its precious cargo of life, and to do that we need to understand how our universe has generated such fabulous complex systems. We need, in short, a modern origin story. David Christian will introduce that story (often known as "big history") and show how a modern, science-based origin story can offer a clearer vision of where we are today and the momentous challenges that young people will face in coming decades.
F* yeah, all this with chilled cocktail recipes and afterwards the sound of Tomas Høffding (from WhoMadeWho) and his band composed of Ida Urd Bramming on bass and vocals (from Tårn, Hoy La mfl), Nikolaj Montin Linberg on the drums (from Phlake, Kaaliyah mfl), Cille Dyrberg on synths, guitar, vocals (ex Dune) and Johannes Bruun on synths, vocals (from Klipo). Electronic dance music and new Danish lyrics.

David Christian
The History of Everything: Why do we need a Modern Origin Story?
Is it possible to teach the history of everything? Why is today a momentous turning point in the history of planet earth? What are the most important challenges that will face humans in the next 50 years? Why are humans so different and so powerful?
Talk by
David Christian
Distinguished Professor in the Department of Modern History at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He is by training a historian of Russia and the Soviet Union, but since the 1980s he has become interested in world history and in history at very large scales and across many disciplines. He is a member of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, and the Royal Society of N.S.W. He is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Global History and the Cambridge World History. He has held temporary appointments at the University of Vermont and at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, and was the founding President of the International Big History Association.