Future Ocean

Science & Cocktails is proud to present an episode with one of greatest oceanographers of all time, Callum Roberts, on the future of our oceans, coral reefs, and marine life in general. Callum is one of the scientists who recently featured in the Netflix documentary “Seaspiracy”, author of amazing books such as “Reef life: and underwater memoir” and “Ocean of life: how our seas are changing”, and last but not least Professor of Marine Conservation at the University of Exeter in the UK. He will literally blow your mind with everything you don’t know about the ocean. Before just that Hess is More will be giving a concert based on recordings of the 99-year old singer Ibojas Wandall-Holm and afterwards DJ Copyflex takes the floor.
What are the biggest human influences on the ocean? How is the sea changing as a consequence? What do these changes mean for ocean life? How will changing oceans affect us? What can we do?
For most of human history the ocean has been beyond the reach of most human impacts, protected by remoteness, depth and enormous size. Not anymore. Today human influence reaches the ocean’s remotest shores and greatest depths. That influence has triggered profound and rapid changes to the ocean’s physical and chemical environment, affecting every animal and plant that lives there. The scope of our impacts is now so great there are fears that the most vulnerable ecosystems, like tropical coral reefs, will be destroyed by 2100.
Event held in English with the generous support of the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Talk by
Callum Roberts
Callum Roberts is Professor of Marine Conservation at the University of Exeter in the UK. His research focuses on threats to marine life, and on finding the means to protect them. For the last three decades he has used his science background to make the case for stronger protection for marine life at both national and international levels. His team provided the scientific underpinning for a new ocean protection target – 30% by 2030 – which is gaining widespread international support. His latest book, Reef Life: An Underwater Memoir (Profile Books 2019), traces the past and possible futures of coral reefs. He is chief scientific advisor to BLUE Marine Foundation and the Maldives Coral Institute, and was science advisor to the BBC Blue Planet II series. He leads the Convex Seascape Survey research programme into ocean carbon sequestration to tackle climate change.

Hess is More - Ibojas Sange
You will experience an all star special edition of the band Hess Is More. Bandleader Mikkel Hess has assembled an extremely dangerous team for a concert built around recordings with the now 99-year-old writer and singer Iboja Wandall-Holm. The universe from the brand new album "Ibojas Sange" is explored in trance-like processes. And you can wonder if there will also be selected tunes in the large Hess Is More catalogue. With 9 albums in the bag, there is plenty to choose from. The band is composed of Raisa Castro (Vocals & Percussion), Rune Harder Olesen (Percussion), Kenneth Bager (8 track tape, DJ desk) and Mikkel Hess (Drums, Synthesizer & Vocals). Watch this.

Live act by
Copyflex was born in the fjords of Norway on April 1st. 1977, relocating to Copenhagen in 1997. Here he first worked as a stockbroker for a boiler room turned legit and briefly for a local financial scandals socialite, all while slowly getting a foothold in the city's music scene.Copyflex is also the founder of tropical bass pioneer band Copia Doble Systema and a part of space bass outfit Alo Wala. Copyflex also works with the french actionist artist COLONEL / Thierry Geoffroy as an producer, representative and musician.Copyflex’ gig record is impressive. He’s played places like reggae bars and boat clubs in Hanoi, Filipino sports arenas, pirate parties in defunkt cinemas, ghetto parties and clubs in Cairo, on the Ipanema beach and in favelas in Rio de Janeiro, at a mall club in Caracas, Copenhagen Distortion’s frenzied street parties, illegal bars in London, Roskilde Festival (also at the camping raves), in Rome’s dirty underground, Berlin's mad squats and posh venues, south american radio shows, college fiestas, Venice Biennial, Miami Art Basel, Istanbul Biennale, on more beaches, plenty of boats and countless basements.