Molecular Click Adventures: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Ladies and gentlemen, in 2022 the Danish chemist Morten Meldal won the Nobel prize in chemistry. In this episode of Science and Cocktails in planet X31, Morten Meldal will tell you all about click chemistry and how he accidentally found one of the most important types of chemical reactions in chemistry. All this just after Born2Bingo plays sweaty drum rhythms.
Tickets: Seated tickets are paid. Standing is free and on a first-come, first-served basis.
What is click chemistry? How does click chemistry work? Why is click chemistry important? How does luck play a role in research? How can we change our fundamental understanding of chemistry?
The concept of click chemistry matured simultaneously in different laboratories around the world in the 1990’s. There was an urgent need for quantitative chemical reactions/molecular LEGO® to cope with the pressure from combinatorial science to synthesize, screen and identify one out of thousands – millions of compounds. By trying many different types of reactions, Morten more or less accidentally discovered one of the "click reactions" in 2001 leading to an enourmous amount of applications from chemistry to biology and medicine.
The more existential aspects of our fundamental understanding of chemistry, the importance of serendipity to unravel the true complexity of our world at the molecular level, the associated need for freedom of research, and the pledge to the young to study chemistry for a better future will also be discussed.
Event held in English with the generous support of the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Talk by
Morten Meldal
Morten Meldal is a Danish chemist and professor at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, alongside Barry Sharpless and Carolyn Bartozzi, for the groundbreaking development of ‘Click chemistry and biorthogonal chemistry’. He also received the 2009 American Chemical Society Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in peptide chemistry, as well as the 2011 Vincent du Vigneaud Award of the American Peptide Society.
Meldal obtained his MSc in chemical engineering and PhD, under the supervision of Klaus Bock, from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Meldal’s PhD work focused on synthesis of carbohydrates, and after working as a postdoctoral fellow in organic chemistry at Cambridge University, he was professor and manager of a research synthesis group at Carlsberg Research Laboratory. In 2011, Meldal became professor at the Department of Chemistry at University of Copenhagen, where he headed the CECB research center within the field of chemical biology, with focus on peptide and combinatorial chemistry. Meldal co-founded three companies, Combio, Versamatrix, and Betamab Therapeutics ApS, which utilized the SPOCC and CECB platforms in biotechnological and pharmacological research and development.
Throughout Meldal’s career, his research has had innovative influences on methods in peptide and combinatorial chemistry. His involvement in method development of solid-phase and combinatorial peptide synthesis, as well as development of the CuAAc Click reaction, have become mainstream methods for application in bioorganic and organic synthesis.

Music by
The sun dances across the azure sea. The shoulders sag, and everyday life disappears in time with a captivating rhythm that slowly approaches. Born2Bingo is an all-inclusive music trip where there is always free access to the abundant buffet of sweaty drum rhythms, dusty Hammond organ and highly charged mood!
Throw yourself in the pool and experience a friendly interaction and great musical energy. From here can you enjoy the view towards the proud jazz traditions, hypnotic beats and fun melodies - everything together at no extra cost. The Born2Bingo band invites you into their unpretentious universe where everyone can join in, just remember to fill the glass completely and bring out your inner curious tourist! In the heads of Daniel Sommer on drums and Simon Eskildsen on organ, there is one hidden magical musical cartoon world filled with jazz, adventure and a very special elderly couple (also known as Mr & Mrs OrgelDuo).
When Simon and Daniel are not guiding musical all-inclusive trips, they are staying in different prominent jazz and world constellations on the Danish and international music scene. On tonight's occasion, they have invited their best bingo buddy, the phenomenal Mads Nørgaard on guitar, which always gives the music and atmosphere a new dimension!
There must be dancing, toasting, clapping, hugging, crocheting...
Born2Bingo band: Simon Eskildsen (organ/visuals), Mads Nørgaard (guitar), Daniel Sommer (drums).