DATA DATA is a theatre play based on the history of the computer developed by Teater Fantast in collaboration with Science & Cocktails. The play (in Danish) is followed by a talk (in Danish) by professor of artificial intelligence and machine learning Morten Mørup. Mocktails are served during the event.
About the play
Grandma can remember an earlier time. Dad sighs nostalgically if someone says: "Commodore 64" and the child has grown up with pacifiers and iPads. The computer has taken over our world in a few generations. It is an indispensable tool in the digital reality we find ourselves in. And we depend on it, both collectively and individually. But do we really understand what it is? This super calculator that we use all the time? With guidance from computer experts and professors, Teater Fantast has created a musical, informative and entertaining performance for the whole family. Join us on a journey through the history of computing, where we promise data, digital gadgets and gizmos. Man, machine and mathematics. Laugh, cry and gigabytes.
The play is created as a family performance for the whole family - both children, teenagers and adults (minimum age 6 years).
About the talk: A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are expected to change large parts of our society – however, what is artificial intelligence and in particular machine learning, how does an artificial intelligence learn to solve tasks and what challenges and perspectives are there in these technologies? This talk will introduce central concepts within artificial intelligence and machine learning and provide examples of uses, opportunities and challenges of these technologies.
DATA DATA has the financial support of the Novo Nordisk Foundation and is a co-production between Teater Fantast & Teater V. Lectures in connection with the performance are held in collaboration with Science and Cocktails.
Theatre play by
DATA DATA is a theatre play based on the history of the computer developed by Teater Fantast in collaboration with Science & Cocktails. Grandma can remember an earlier time. Dad sighs nostalgically if someone says: "Commodore 64" and the child has grown up with pacifiers and iPads. The computer has taken over our world in a few generations. It is an indispensable tool in the digital reality we find ourselves in. And we depend on it, both collectively and individually. But do we really understand what it is? This super calculator that we use all the time? With guidance from computer experts and professors, Teater Fantast has created a musical, informative and entertaining performance for the whole family. Join us on a journey through the history of computing, where we promise data, digital gadgets and gizmos. Man, machine and mathematics. Laugh, cry and gigabytes. The play is created as a family performance for the whole family - both children, teenagers and adults (minimum age 6 years)

Talk by
Morten Mørup
Morten Mørup is professor of machine learning for the life sciences at the Section for Cognitive Systems, DTU (Technical University of Denmark). His field of research is machine learning and data science where he researches methods for unsupervised learning and pattern recognition in particular with focus on multi-way/tensor decomposition approaches, statistical complex network modelling approaches and Bayesian inference with applications to life-science data.