Medicine men, medicinal plants and modern science

November 19, 2013Byens Lys Copenhagen
Chinese medicine robins choice
Doors open: 19:00
Start programme: 20:00
Byens Lys
Fabriksområdet 99

Traditional medicine systems are important parts of the health system in most countries. The majority of people on our planet use traditional medicine. What can we learn from traditional medicine? Do we have traditional medicine in the west?

Anna Jäger will show examples from her research on providing scientific evidence for the plants used in Africa for diseases of the central nervous system, for maternal health to treat post-partum bleeding, and plants to treat snakebites. What does the future look like for traditional medicine?

Our modern medicine has its roots in traditional medicine. Many drugs have been developed from medicinal plants. Is Nature's treasure chest still giving us new medicines? Highlights of recent discoveries will be presented.

Afterwards, dry ice cocktails while Future Primitive is playing straight up rock. The line up consists of Nikolaj Montin (Drums & Vocals), Rasmus Block (Guitar), Marc Facchini-Madsen (Guitar & Vocals) and Moogie Johnson (Bass).

Talk by

Anna Jäger

Anna Jäger is head of Natural Products Research at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen. Her research focuses on investigating pharmacological activities of medicinal plants based on usage in traditional medicine.


Music by

Future Primitive

Rock for the future with primitive measures about primitive thoughts and primitive pleasures. The band members consist of Nikolaj Montin, Rasmus Block, Marc Facchini-Madsen, and Moogie Johnson.
