Cosmic Dust

Teori og Praksis and Huset ved Kongens Have welcomes you to this special event in the series Science \& Cocktails. The evening program consists of a lecture by Anja C. Andersen on Star Dust and Equality.
Overall, not much dust in the universe, but the little that has been there was absolutely crucial for us being here today. Because without the presence of dust in the gas cloud, the Sun would not had been formed. Besides how dust grains are essential for our presence, Anja Andersen will also talk about how the presence of women researchers is essential to continued progress of mankind as a species.
She will talk about what fascinates her in connection with her research, and explain why she believes it is important that research is also being done by both men and women.
After the lecture, there are drinks in the bar and good music.
[Note added] This lecture provided inspiration for the carbon-based C6 jewelry concept.

Anja C. Andersen
Cosmic Dust
What are stars made of? What is cosmic dust? Why we should care about dust for the evolution of the universe?
Talk by
Anja C. Andersen
Anja C. Andersen is a professor affiliated with the Dark Cosmology Centre and professor for the public understanding of science. She has been affiliated with the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA). Anja C. Andersen's primary research field is the cosmic dust dynamical and chemical role in star processes. She is in this context responsible for the project "Cosmic Dust".