The Science of Interstellar: an Illustration of a Century of Relativity

Has anyone seen a black hole? Can we travel to distant parts of the universe through a wormhole? Has anyone even seen a wormhole? Does time run slower or faster depending on the proximity to a black hole?
Kip Thorne, the scientist behind the movie Interstellar is coming to town specially to tell us about all the scientific facts that were depicted in the movie as well as all the work behind the scenes. Interstellar, despite being a Hollywood movie, produced the most accurate picture of a black hole ever made and gave rise to two scientific papers.
For many scientists, Interstellar is the movie which best illustrates many of the concepts and implications of Albert Einstein theory of general relativity. In exactly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein formulated his theory which says that gravity can deform both space and time and that light bends when passing close to the sun.
Einstein’s theory is capable of explaining many of the phenomena happening in the universe such as the fact that the universe is expanding and that black holes exist. When combined with quantum theory they provide a tentative framework for understanding the universe's big-bang birth. Thorne will discuss Relativity's first century, using Interstellar to illustrate many of Relativity's deepest ideas.
But the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Einstein's theory is not over with this multimedia presentation. It will be followed by time-deforming cocktails and the fantastic performance of We Are The Way For The Cosmos To Know Itself, who have created a techno-like genre that goes further beyond the mundane club music, reaching the cosmic depths with weightless female vocals and heavy bass lines in order to take you on a journey towards the intergalactic entity. Through their music you will end up spooning with the entire universe.

Kip Thorne
The Science of Interstellar: an Illustration of a Century of Relativity
Has anyone seen a black hole? Can we travel to distant parts of the universe through a wormhole? Has anyone even seen a wormhole? Does time run slower or faster depending on the proximity to a black hole?
Talk by
Kip Thorne
Thorne is an American physicist, known for his contributions in gravitational physics. He was the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology until 2009 and is now an Emeritus professor and one of the world's leading experts on the astrophysical implications of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He was the scientific consultant and an executive producer for the 2014 science fiction film Interstellar. He shared the Nobel prize in physics 2017 for the discovery of gravitational waves.

Music by
We Are The Way For The Cosmos To Know Itself
Cosmic pop that induces star-strewn trance as if the band members were shamans or medicine men. With the single Tiger, the band has been performing in several festivals such as Distortion and Roskilde.