The smartphone epidemic Risks and Side Effects of Digital Media Use

The world is f* in so many ways but the digitalisation of schools and the proliferation of smart phone use and digital media in kids and teenage douches ain’t helping a brother out. The idea that every 6 year old kid should have access to computer at school in order to level out social gaps is as naive as it is stupid. Science & Cocktails proudly presents the neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer, who has reviewed hundreds of studies on the impact of digital media on learning and education. What he has found is scary.
Programme for the evening:
18:30 Doors open for cocktails
20:00 The Smartphone Epidemic with Manfred Spitzer
21:20 Jobarteh/Pasborg/Schantz Trio
Smartphone use interferes with normal neurobiological, psychosocial, and physical development and thereby produces detrimental effects on health and educational attainment, especially in children and adolescents. Known and well documented health risks include myopia, weight gain and obesity, musculoskeletal disorders, sleeplessness, hypertension, type-II diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, anxiety, depression (including suicide), irritability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), addiction (to smartphones and to alcohol and nicotine), and high risk behaviours regarding traffic (accidents) and sex (sexually transmitted diseases). Because smartphones interfere with attention and learning, they cause a decrease in educational attainment, which is the most significant protective factor when it come to the development of dementia in old age.
Therefore, smartphones will contribute to the burden of increased prevalence of dementia in the coming decades. Taken together, it appears highly irresponsible to take the effects of current smartphone overuse lightly. Manfred Spitzer, neuroscientist, psychiatrist and psychologist will discuss studies where smart phone use in children and adolescents have been conducted. Indeed, the results aren’t funny boy.
Before the lecture, enjoy some chilled dry ice cocktails and the sound of SMAG PÅ DIG SELV, which literally translates to “Taste Yourself” - an unruly two horned trio, notorious for their boiling live shows and vigorous cocktails of acoustic techno, old swing jazz, balkan beat and drum’n’bass.
After the lecture place your smartphones in your bum pocket or between your bras, drink some smart drinks and twerk to the sound of the trio Jobarteh/Pasborg/Schantz. Jobarteh/Pasborg/Schantz consists of Dawda Jobarteh (kora, vocals), Stefan Pasborg (percussion) and Morten Schantz (keys). A melting-pot of styles mixed together into an output based on mutual love for strong rhythmical shapes, beautiful melodies and the pure energy in music!

Manfred Spitzer
The smartphone epidemic Risks and Side Effects of Digital Media Use
How smartphone use interferes with normal neurobiological, psychosocial, and physical development? What are the health risks that may arise from excessive use of smartphones? How the use of smartphones may be related with the increase of dementia?
Talk by
Manfred Spitzer
Manfred Spitzer is a psychiatrist, psychologist and neuroscientist. He is Medical director, professor and head of department of the newly established Psychiatric Hospital at the University of Ulm, Germany. He established the Transfer Center for Neuroscience and Learning, for which he is director. He has additionally worked at Heidelberg, Harvard, and the University of Oregon. Widely published in neuroscience, learning, and psychiatry, author of numerous texts. He is host of the German public television show “Geist und Gehirn” (“Mind and Brain” – available on YouTube) and father of six children.

Music by
In little more than a year SPDS already unleashed their anthropomorphic sound on numerous stages across the Danish and Russian underground scenes, solving the equation of what happens when you mix riot and party with introspection. Composed of Albert Holberg (drums), Oliver Lauridsen (tenor sax) and Thorbjørn Øllgaard (bary sax).

Music by
This trio is an unique meeting between tree gentlemen from three different music cultures, and from two different continents! Three charismatic and masterful musicians teams up in this new and unique collaboration, after adding special guest, keys/synth wizard Morten Schantz.