The quest for a fundamental theory of Nature

Tonight's event is the third in the series Science & Cocktails and consists of a lecture by the theoretical physicist Niels Obers.
Niels Obers will talk about string theory in a lecture in which he comes around on topics such as extra dimensions, black holes and the universe's topography. Obers starts with a brief introduction to the fundamental particle physics, and then he throws himself on string theory and what it has contributed.

Niels Obers
The quest for a fundamental theory of Nature
What is string theory? Why does the universe need extra dimensions? What is quantum gravity? What are black holes?
Talk by
Niels Obers
Master in Physics (1987), University of Nijmegen, Holland. PhD Theoretical Particle Physics (1991), University of California, Berkeley, USA. 1991-2000 postdoctoral research po-sitions in Bonn, Ecole Polytechnique, CERN. Nordita 2000-2002 Assistant Professor, Utrecht University, Holland. 2002-Present Professor, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark. He is also the Director of Nordita, Sweden.