Virus Outbreaks in a Changing World

Is the outbreak of the novel Corona virus part of an increasing set of global virus outbreaks? Did virus outbreaks really increase since the last years? Why is this? Should we be worried? What can we do to prevent and respond to such outbreaks?
Ebola. SARS. Mexican Flu. Zika. Corona. Virus outbreaks have occurred in the past decades and have confronted us with the fragility and danger of living in a fast-changing world.
Over 7 million cases of the novel Coronavirus (SARS-Cov 2) and its disease COVID-19 are counted worldwide, and the number is still rising, even though some countries are gradually lifting lockdowns. All over the world, human health and economy has been hit hard. Differences between social, economic and racial backgrounds are placed under the magnifying glass. Scientists are working around the clock to understand the development and treatment of the virus and disease-patterns.
But what is the bigger story behind the emergence of virus outbreaks on such a global scale? Is there some good news to tell as well? Where do we go from here, how can we be prepared for further pandemics?A growing number of people live in cities and travel around the world. Global climate change is threatening ecosystems. Public health systems are still unstable in many areas of the world. In a recent publication in Nature, a team of international scientists connected these developments to the increased occurrence and complexity of new viruses and epidemics. The team called for a new, and more interdisciplinary approach regarding epidemics that includes not only crisis response but also preparation and recovery.
A key player in this publication and in the international community of scientists at the forefront of epidemics prevention and response, is Professor Dr. Marion Koopmans.
Photo: MPI for Dynamics and Self-organization

Marion Koopmans
Virus Outbreaks in a Changing World
Tune in to the Science & Cocktails livestream on Wednesday 24th of June at 20.30 hrs with virologist and advisor to the Outbreak Management Team of the Dutch Government Professor Dr. Marion Koopmans. She will elaborate on virus outbreaks such as the corona virus and how we can be prepared for further pandemics. In the Q&A afterwards you can ask your questions.
Marion Koopmans
Marion Koopmans
Marion Koopmans is the director of the Erasmus Medical Center’s department of Viroscience, and director of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s collaborating center for emerging infectious diseases at Erasmus MC. In the current pandemic, she is also a crucial advisor in the Outbreak Management Team of the Dutch Government. At the Netherlands Center for One Health, she directs the “Emerging infectious diseases” taskforce. In 2018, she won the Stevin premium, a prestigious prize awarded for outstanding research with a strong societal value. In 2019, she became a member of the KNAW.