How Migration Really Works

As debates on immigration have reached fever pitch, so has political and media fearmongering. But what are the facts behind the headlines? Is global migration at an all-time high? What are the main changes in global migration patterns? What are the main driving forces of migration? Will climate change lead to mass migration? Why do border restrictions fail to stop migration?
Drawing on three decades of scientific research, migration expert Hein de Haas destroys the myths that politicians, interest groups, and media spread about immigration. Ultimately, de Haas shows migration not as a problem to be solved, nor as a solution to a problem, but as it really is.
This event is an initiative by the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena (DIEP) with the support of the University of Amsterdam. Science & Cocktails Amsterdam is presented in cooperation with Paradiso Amsterdam.
Talk by
Hein de Haas
Hein de Haas is a sociologist and a geographer who has lived and worked in the Netherlands, Morocco and the United Kingdom. He is currently Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Between 2006 and 2015, he was a founding member and co-director of the International Migration Institute (IMI) at the University of Oxford. He continues directing IMI from its current home at UvA. He is also Professor of Migration and Development at the University of Maastricht.
In his work, De Haas has advanced a new, long-term view of migration as an intrinsic part of global change and development. He is lead author of The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, a seminal text book in the field of migration studies. His new book How Migration Really Works: A Factful Guide to the Most Divisive Issue in Politics was be published by Penguin in November 2023 (US edition with Basic Books) and is coming out in nine translations.