The atoms of spacetime

What did Einstein do that was so remarkable? What are black holes and do we need
quantum gravity to understand them? Do black holes have thermodynamics and what
does that mean? Is spacetime emergent? From what?
In 1915, Einstein proposed a new theory of gravity. Soon, it was discovered that this
theory of general relativity has special kinds of solutions that came to be known as black holes. They are distinguished by having singularities -- places where gravity becomes so strong that our classical notion of space and time breaks down -- as well as event
horizons -- regions from which even light cannot escape.
Using the rules of quantum theory leads us to conclude that black holes obey laws analogous to the principles of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics, originally developed to understand steam engines, is the study of things like heat, work, energy, efficiency and entropy. Entropy in normal matter (like a cocktail) essentially counts the number of different ways a large number of microscopic atoms, which we can not see, can be configured to form the macroscopic matter that we can see. Macroscopic properties of matter can be understood by averaging over all the possible microscopic configurations.
The fact that black holes carry entropy suggests that spacetime can also be thought of as being composed of some sort of "atoms" at a fundamental level. What would the implications of that be?
Vishnu Jejjala, chair in Theoretical Particle Cosmology at Wits, will explain how in some simplified cases we can (theoretically) construct the "microscopic" configurations of black holes. Features of black hole geometries such as the event horizon and singularity arise as a consequence of averaging over many states. By studying these theoretical models of black holes, we get hints about how spacetime can be emergent. Circumstantial evidence suggests that these lessons transfer to astrophysical settings as well.
Afterwards, entropic cocktails will be served at the bar, to the singular sounds of
Iphupho L'ka Biko Afrocentric Band.

Vishnu Jejjala
The atoms of spacetime
What did Einstein do that was so remarkable? What are black holes and do we need
quantum gravity to understand them? Do black holes have thermodynamics and what does that mean? Is spacetime emergent? From what?
Music by
Iphupho L'ka Biko Afrocentric Band
Iphupho L'ka Biko is an afrocentric band, comprised of a full rythm and horn section. Their repertoire consists of their original music and African songs. The word "Iphupho", ngesi Xhosa, can be translated as "a dream", which in this context symbolises God, the giver of dreams. The word "Biko" refers to Bantu Biko, the father of Black Consciousness in South Africa. Their vision is to conscientise, decolonise and spiritually awaken the masses through their music. The band members are Nhlanhla Ngqaqu (composer, bassist, and founder), Nicholas Bjorkman (drums), Thabo Matsime (piano), Edre van As (guitar), Godfrey Mntambo (alto sax), Tebogo Kaunda (tenor sax) and Athamacwera Ngcaba (trombone).